8. März 2024

Day of prayer and solidarity for Israel

Sunday, 14 April 2024 , 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. Bundesplatz Bern

Israel Works Switzerland (IWS) invites Jews and Christians to stand together in prayer and solidarity for Israel.

In view of the shocking events of the past months, we want to "give our God no rest and constantly remind HIM in prayer" according to his word from Isaiah 62:7.

Programme: Prayer - music - greetings from personalities from the synagogue and politics.

We thank you in advance for a generous donation:

to cover the expenses

for the Kibbutz Nir Am (Sha'ar HaNegev), which IWS has "adopted":

to support the evacuated residents

to support the treatment of trauma

and the reconstruction of community life

and the economy of the kibbutz.

"For behold, the keeper of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps."  Psalm 121:4

The event will be held in German.

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